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Our commitment is to facilitate equitable and widespread access to health care for all. We thus support the health ecosystem by various means.
The Abdelwaheb BEN AYED foundation the official sponsor of the third edition of the Young Researchers conference of the Pasteur Institute of Tunis

This event was designed to encourage communication between researchers, thus opening debates around different scientific themes. It also allowed students to share their research work while acquiring new skills thanks to the various workshops offered.
Around 200 participants gathered for this 3rd edition, taking advantage of a scientific symposium which covered the three main themes of the Pasteur Institute of Tunis. The event also included the participation of national and international speakers, as well as numerous oral and poster communications presented by students. The workshops were structured around three themes and a “Science Slam” session.
The first workshop, entitled “The right fund for the right job,” was led by Dr. Mohamed JEMAÀ. It provided thesis students with the tools to pursue postdoctoral opportunities.
The second workshop, “Computational approaches for biomedical research: Which, When and How,” was led by Dr. Emna HARIGUA. It has enabled young researchers to better understand when and how computational approaches can help them address research questions or analyze their data more effectively.
The third workshop, “Emotional intelligence to support Leadership,” was led by Ms. Chiraz BASSOUMI. This workshop helped participants strengthen their leadership skills, particularly by improving their perception and management of emotions.
The Science Slam session made science more accessible to the general public through short talks (5 minutes) presenting certain scientific works in a clear, entertaining and concise manner.
To create a friendly atmosphere, an evening was organized at the Pasteur Institute in Tunis. This evening offered a valuable opportunity for informal meetings and exchanges between researchers from different generations.
ear reads
“the enchanting journey”

“EAR READS” is an enchanting journey, a path where words take flight. It gives us the power to see the world differently, illuminates our minds and enriches our thoughts.

“The adventures start here”

The Abdelwaheb Ben Ayed Foundation “FABA” organizes a literary competition every year to promote Tunisian books, encourage reading, particularly among young Tunisians, and encourage authors, publishers and book distributors.
Thus was born: the Abdelwaheb Ben Ayed Prize for Literature.
2024 Edition

The winners of the 2024 Abdelwaheb Ben Ayed Prize for Literature For this edition, the following works were awarded prizes in the different categories:
2023 edition “Short List”
The members of the jury for the “Abdelwaheb Ben Ayed Literature Prize 2023” have the immense pleasure of announcing, below, the “short list” of contemporary works for the prize in the categories selected by the jury. The members of the jury thank everyone who honored us with their participation and wish them every success in the next editions of the prize. The jury reminds that the ceremony for announcing the results and awarding the prizes will be held on Sunday, November 19 from 4:00 p.m. at the Cité de la culture - Salle des Régions.
History class or the book for children and/or young adults

Author: Amina Zrig
House: khraief Editions

Author: kathoum Ayachia
House: khraief Editions

Author: Faika Ganfalli
House: khraief Editions
Novel class or collection of short stories in French

Author: Oualid Hamdi
House: Éditions Zayneb

Author: Rafika Inoubli
House: éditions Arabesques

Author: Zinelabidine Benaïssa
House: Enoya design and communication
Novel class or collection of short stories in Arabic

Author: samar samir mezghani
House: Med Ali Editions

Author: Zohra Mkadmini
House: Khraief Editions

Author: Abir Gasmi
House: Soubia
Class of long intellectual article

Author: Nelly Amri
Maison: Contraste Éditions

Author: Abdel Halim Al Masoudi
House: Sud éditions

Author: Fethi Lissir
House: Med Ali Editions
2022 Edition:
“It’s a reflection of society”

Culture is the language of diversity. It's a vibrant fresco where every color, every detail contributes to the collective work of art, and it continues to resonate in the alleys of memory.
2nd edition of the Tunisian National Theater Festival
“Seasons of Creativity”:


Also known as Carthage Theater Days, this is an important international theater festival held in Tunisia. It serves as a platform for artists and theater companies to showcase their work, exchange ideas and celebrate the art of theater. The festival usually offers a wide range of shows, including plays, performances, workshops and discussions. The event often attracts theater professionals, artists and enthusiasts from around the world. It is an important cultural and artistic gathering which contributes to the enrichment of the theater scene in Tunisia and promotes cultural exchanges between participants. The festival continued to maintain its tradition of presenting a mix of traditional and contemporary plays, while providing opportunities for networking and collaboration within the global theater community.
Fadhel Jaziri's Hadhra Evening by the FABA:

The Abdelwaheb Ben Ayed Foundation supports Tunisian kendo for TICAD GAMES.